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Anna-Sophia Zingarelli-Sweet

||| we dance to the beat of distorted knowledge passed on |||

Connecting the Dots: Cataloging and Metadata, The Interview Edition

Editor’s note: This article was originally published June 4, 2014. For the next installment in our technical services mini-series, I’m delighted to introduce long-time HLS commenters and all-around great guys,  Jason W. Dean and Elliot D. Williams. When I was first starting library school, I basically cold-called both Elliot and […]

Archival Education: Outcomes and Opportunities [SAA 2014]

Editor’s Note: Anna-Sophia originally wrote this summary of Session 106, Archival Education: Outcomes and Opportunities, from the Society of American Archivists 2014 annual meeting, for the Students and New Archives Professionals Roundtable blog. It is re-posted here with kind permission of the SNAP blog editors. The session Archival Education: Outcomes […]