HackLibSchool Conversation Starter

I am pleased to say that HackLibSchool will be holding two events at this years ALA Annual conference. Awhile back, I wrote about trying to bring HLS and the issues we care about to the conference level. Well, I’m happy to say that our Conversation Starter was accepted! To be honest, this is the first year that they have done the Conversation Starter series, so I’m not sure what to expect. However, our session is intended to be a moderated discussion – not like a traditional panelists just talk at you presentation. We want your input on what topics you want to discuss.

Potential guiding questions:

  • What aspects of library school curriculum prepare you for the job?
  • What emerging technologies helped you hack your education?
  • From a student’s perspective, what advice would you give to a veteran? or a potential boss?
  • What would you tell yourself going into library school, knowing what you know now?
  • Should every student be required to take at least one online class? Why?

Please add more potential questions in the comments! We want to talk about things that are relevant to you! Also, we only have 45 minutes to talk so I would like to invite everyone to come meet and talk with the Hackers at the HackLibSchool/ Library Boing Boing meetup! It’s going to be fun, and hope to see you there!

3 replies

  1. These topics sound like they will spur a great discussion! I won’t be at ALA so definitely consider doing a write-up of how the talk goes… I would love to hear some of the comments!


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