Library School Resolutions

Happy New Year, hackers!  I hope that everyone had a nice, relaxing holiday break, and that you’re all refreshed and ready for a new semester.  With classes starting next week for me, I thought I would take some time to come up with a few resolutions to guide me through this next year of library school.  So without further ado, here they are:

120927_TwitterPLN1. Continue to develop a Personal Learning Network (PLN).  I’ve written before about how Twitter and other social media have helped me to connect with people in my field, and I still believe that colleagues and classmates are some of the best resources for new ideas and professional advice.  I am lucky to go to school with some amazing, creative, and innovative classmates who provide a great foundation for a PLN.  This year, I’m also hoping to expand my PLN by working with school librarians in my fieldwork and practicum experiences, attending conferences such as ALA Annual, and continuing to be active on social media.

2. Expand my technological competence by exploring more Web 2.0 tools.  When I was teaching, I was lucky enough to work with a very savvy librarian who helped us all to integrate technology into our lessons.  Because technology is constantly evolving, though, there’s always something new to learn, and it takes effort to stay on top of things.  I want to make sure I’m as prepared as possible to work in a school or public library, so I would like to become proficient in at least 5 new technological tools this semester.

stop-procrastinating-and-start-working3. Work on the whole procrastinating thing.  I’ve always been a procrastinator; if you wait until the last minute to do something, then you only have to spend that particular chunk of time thinking and working and stressing out, right?  But now that I’m finished with my first semester of library school, I’m going to be juggling a more demanding courseload with work responsibilities, fieldwork in a school library, and other personal and school-related obligations.  I’m also going to be taking online courses for the first time in my career as a student.  I want to make sure I don’t lose my motivation for library school-related endeavors, plus it’s possible that life will be easier in 2013 if I don’t put everything off until the last minute.

4. Put together a professional portfolio.  This is actually a requirement for my program, but after one semester of library school, I already have several projects I would like to showcase in a portfolio, and I expect that this number will increase in 2013.  Creating a portfolio will be a good way to get organized before the inevitable job search process begins, and a way to see what holes still need to be filled in regard to important skills.  Additionally, putting together a portfolio could help with fulfilling resolutions 2 and 3.

5. Make time for recreational reading.  I love to read, but during the semester, there’s often so much reading required for classes and work projects that I lack the energy or motivation to read anything just for fun.  I want to make sure I balance school reading and pleasure reading this year, especially since this is one recreational activity that will also help me to be a better librarian.

So there you have it: a few things I’m resolving to do this year in order to make the most of library school.  Now I want to hear from you: What goals or resolutions do you have for this year?  What Web 2.0 tools should I explore?  Let me know in the comments, or find me on Twitter @alisonjane0306.

7 replies

  1. Yes. All of the things. I’ve always found it helpful to not only set goals, but to also write them down, holding oneself accountable. Winter break came at the perfect time, and I’m hoping to start spring semester fresh and rejuvenated.

    I echo all of your goals, with slight tweaks, and add taking on more writing responsibilities and remaining organized. For writing, whether class assignments or personal blogging, that writing muscle isn’t going to get any better if it’s not exercised. Organization wise, I’ve started using Wunderlist (check it out!) and setting up intense calendars. I want to be able to keep track of everything without getting bogged down; writing everything in a list or planner helps me do just that.

    Thanks for the blog, looking forward to what Spring has in store!


    • I also use Wunderlist and LOVE IT. I don’t know what I’d do without it. (Though it was just updated to a newer version right before the holidays and that has been slow and buggy in my experience.)


  2. I love the idea of a personal learning plan! We’re in such a rapidly-changing and broad field that it’s impossible for curricula to encompass everything we need to know. Thanks for the suggestion; I think I’ll be working on one of these, too.


  3. Thanks for sharing your resolutions, Alison! Mine are to migrate my blog to my website/portfolio and then to keep myself on some sort of posting schedule. I’ve been bad about prioritizing it. I’m also trying to get into the habit of using Twitter. Another thing that isn’t a resolution but is another goal–to find more digital archives projects I can help contribute to!


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