LIS Blogs to Read

Everyone’s getting ready to go back to school, including your fellow hackers! Part of the library school experience is keeping up with what’s going on in the library world. That way you can discuss the latest trends or scandals with your classmates and professors.

We’ve compiled a few library related blogs that you should check out if you haven’t already.

Annie: I have always enjoyed these two blogs, they both put out great content. Both are collaborative just like HackLibSchool. Team work makes the dream work.

Lauren: There are so many fantastic LIS blogs out there (there is a partial list on my blogroll of some of my favorites), but I’d like to give a shout-out to two relatively new, incredibly enthusiastic and talented academic librarians who also have awesome blogs! They are:

Rose: Here are two must-read archives blogs that I love.  The first is about archives 2.0, the future of archives on the web, and the profession itself.  The second is a collaborative blog by the Smithsonian’s archives featuring their collections (full disclosure: as a volunteer for the National Anthropological Archives, I sometimes post on this blog).

Turner: My first recommendation offers sage advice from an academic librarian. The second is put out by the Library of Congress and focuses on digital collections (a growing trend in the library/information management profession and a great place to look for a kick ass job).

Micah: I know this is supposed to be an LIS focused post, but lately I’ve been thinking and rethinking the library blog “echo chamber” (everyone writing about the same things, reading one another’s work, and not engaging outside our field). So my Blogs to Read goes a little outside the LIS world, and it’d be my advice to students to step back once in a while and read something new from marketing, from tech news, from pop culture. These two blogs are both in the “hack” stream, but are great resources for ideas/tips/advice on navigating life in the university.

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9 replies

  1. I understand where you’re coming from Micah. I’ve been rethinking my reading strategies (as well as reflecting my own blogging habits). A couple weeks ago, I dumped all my RSS feeds in an attempt to improve my browsing techniques. To wit: I now occasionally check in on my favorite sites (Profhacker, ITLWTLP) but generally wait for items to bubble up in Twitter, Facebook, etc. Surprisingly (or not), I’m finding more time to read! …and honestly, finding better stuff to read.


  2. ::blush:: Thanks Lauren! I’ve been slacking a bit but feel back in the saddle these last few weeks. Lots of ideas rolling around for posts – one coming up tomorrow morning, in fact. Micah – I love ProfHacker too. Keep the good stuff coming from hack library school, ladies and gents 🙂


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