[Series] LIS Blogs to Follow

Editor’s note: This is not your ‘typical’ LIS Blogs to Follow post – this is a list of non-LIS blogs to keep your eye on from Ben Lainhart and the HackLibSchool editing team. -Heidi

Ben Lainhart is graduating this June from Drexel with his MLIS with a concentration in digital libraries. His main areas of interest are in social media and digital libraries in developing countries (more here). He writes here and is on Twitter and Facebook.


Inspired by this post Andy Woodworth posed this same question as his #andypoll on Thursday, the 7th. Here’s the results:

Does this list say something about Andy’s followers and/or what librarians read or are influenced by these days? Are there patterns here?


There is no shortage of LIS blogs and websites for students to follow. They are almost mandatory for keeping up with current news, job openings, debates and other important information related to the profession. I think my classmate, Nena, said it best when she tweeted that intro LIS classes should tell students to follow librarians on twitter and read their blogs.

Since we all know the best LIS-related blogs and websites to follow (more on that here, here and here), I am interested in starting a conversation about what blogs and websites other students follow that are not specifically related to LIS and how they could inform the (increasingly interdisciplinary) profession. Especially as LIS students are graduating and facing a tough job market, it might be instructive and useful to incorporate other disciplines and ideas into our conception of the future for LIS professionals.

Here is a list (roughly broken down into categories) of non-LIS blogs and websites that I follow and find helpful when thinking about LIS and the future. None of them specifically relate to LIS but they all touch on overlapping topics.

This list is obviously biased towards my interests; thus, it is not completely comprehensive. I’d love to hear suggestions for additions from other students as well as thoughts on the importance of looking outside our field to help inform and shape the future of LIS.


New and Social Media:

Current articles from around the web:





Editor’s note: Along with these fantastic suggestions from Ben, the HLS editing team has a list of non-LIS reads for your consideration. Please tell us what you’re reading, too!

Categories: To Read

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14 replies

  1. I’m really glad the Pew Research link got thrown up here: it’s the best resource I know for thinking about tech and the Internet, whether you’re super-savvy or scared to death.
    I realized that the only blogs I follow are LIS, unless they’re yarn or craft blogs. I’m decidedly narrow-minded right now!


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